Innovation as the engine driving development and expansion
Innovation is also a fundamental strategic pillar at Rover Grupo. Through an active R+ D + i department with an Aenor system, we promote the development of improvements and new construction techniques, enabling access to larger projects and technological complexity.
Innovate not to change, but to improve. Innovation in materials, in wave attenuation measures, in off-shore technologies, in improving our machinery, in our internal management processes and of course, in safety and prevention of occupational risks, all of which makes us more dynamic, more effective and more competitive.
Multidisciplinary teams of our company that, along with different universities, engineering companies and technology centers, develop numerous research, development and innovation projects.

Living Ports
“Maritime infrastructures of sustainable concrete to favour the growth of marine flora and fauna”

Development of new ultra-high-performance concretes with self-healing capacity, which give it much improved resistance and durability in aggressive environments.

Patented anti-reflective caisson technology to attenuate the incident waves in port areas.

Jalón Inteligente
Development and prototyping of a topographic measurement system based on a pole without measurement error due to inclination and with automatic communication with the base station.

Design of a new wind renewable energy storage system, integrated into a near-shore foundation for wind turbines.

Application of concrete with fibers to the design and manufacture of marine boxes for vertical piers based on concrete with fibers.

Segur Rail
Platform for the monitoring and control of personnel in construction works or maintenance tasks on railways.

Innovation is a strategic value of Rover Grupo, therefore, it has a stable structure in terms of innovation, led by its own R + D + i department, which centralizes the activity of the company in this area and from which they promote the necessary actions for its dynamization, promotion and control, through its own R + D + i management system.