Our policy of increased investment using own resources has enabled Rover Group to enjoy complete self-sufficiency when undertaking any type of construction work, and to offer comprehensive service to our customers. At Rover Group, we understand the importance of investing in technology, and for this reason we work with the best systems to achieve the highest possible performance.


Iberovías provides full railway-related services, from constructing to maintaining railway infrastructure and superstructure. Its most outstanding own resources are:

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Plasser & Theurer Stopfexpress 09-3X tamping machine

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Bypass batter Plasser & Theurer 08-475-45

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Plasser & Theurer DGS-62N dynamic stabiliser

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Plasser & Theurer PDB-110 ballast profiling machine and Plasser & Theurer USP2005L ballast profiling machine

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MQ-PH-30 hydraulic gantries

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